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First Nations Support

Give what's needed

Mattress - Queen

Help for a new bed for a lady who has physical ailments and has been affected by family and domestic violence

Lady who has been at risk of homelessness over the past 12 months. Since being displaced due to Family and domestic violence she has had no stability regarding her living situation. Her challenges with physical and mental health have been severely impacted. There was one housing arrangement which very soon became unsafe, and she was displaced again, having to sleep in her car or with friends most nights. Now she has been offered a room in a share house but only has a poor-quality mattress which is on the floor, Due to her hip and back ailments this is causing a lot of pain. Every day she wakes up in pain and finds it hard to move. Mentally and emotionally, she feels exhausted by what she has been enduring over this length of time and with the help of at least a decent bed, this may help to alleviate some of her conditions. Making her more mobile to be able to focus on other pressing issues such as counselling and community support to going back her strength.


Drop off Post/Courier Voucher


Mirrabooka WA 6061

Pledge to give this item:

Mattress - Queen

Queen size mattress preferably new with support such as cozy comfort from furniture factory or dream elegance from Amart furniture plus delivery


I will pay for what's needed right now


You are offering to purchase this item, or a voucher from a local store, and pay delivery costs to get it to the recipient's support organisation.

Delivery details

I can drop off to an organisation in my area

I can send Australia-wide at my expense

I can purchase a voucher and email it to the organisation

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How to donate

Dedicated organisations request the donations they need through the GIVIT site.


Pledge to give, buy or fund what is needed


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If you choose to FUND it, GIVIT will buy it on your behalf and your donation over $2 is tax deductible

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