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Functional capacity assessment fee

Middle age woman severe mental health and chronic physical health issues, risk of losing long-term housing,

I am requesting grant funding for a functional capacity assessment for a middle-aged woman with severe mental health and other comorbidity health issues. Denied NDIS access twice, despite experiencing significant functional impairments that impact her daily life and independence. Due to financial constraints, she is unable to afford the assessment on her own. Has no informal and or formal supports. At high risk of losing her long-term accommodation due to poor property conditions, caused by ongoing mental and physical health issues. The grant funding would enable to obtain a comprehensive evaluation which could significantly improve her access to reapply to the NDIS and access necessary support services. She has been unable to secure NDIS support due to insufficient functional evidence. An FCA conducted by a qualified professional will provide crucial documentation of her impairments and their impacts on her daily life, which is essential for a potential NDIS review or appeal.


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Hindmarsh SA 5007

Pledge to give this item:

Functional capacity assessment fee

$900 paid to Uni SA


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