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First Nations Support

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Grocery voucher - $50

A young single mother with 3 children with complex health issues.

Seeking support for a loving single mother who is experiencing financial, physical, and emotional strains in supporting her three children’s (4, 2, and 16 months) complex health issues and medical expenses. The eldest has been diagnosed with ADHD and usually requires constant supervision. The second child suffers from a heart condition and has experienced recent hospitalization due to epileptic episodes. He is currently on medication and requires regular medical appointments, including visits to a neurologist. Furthermore, he has also been diagnosed with Global Developmental Delay. Speech development concerns are also getting apparent for the youngest child. Whilst NDIS application is on the way (and approval is also a long process and will not cover medical related expenses), the mother urgently needs financial support for continuous medical appointments and Occupational Therapy sessions of the children. The mum is currently at that stage of juggling the finances.


Pick up Post/Courier Voucher


Yarralumla ACT 2600

Pledge to give this item:

Grocery voucher - $50

This mother needs financial assistance to pay for numerous medical, therapy costs for her 3 children. Vouchers for groceries would be appreciated and would greatly assist her. Thank you.


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