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South East QLD Severe Storms 2023

Fund what's needed

Big W voucher - $100

Family of 8 have been homeless due to QLD flooding and lost everything, home, household items, personal items and much more.

Family of 8 have been living in the Logan area for a several years - The children had lots of friends and enjoy schooling and sports in the area - After the QLD floods that course Logan to flood the family's house flood and all their household items, personal items and everything they had had be either washed away or ruined. The family was homeless and due to no id and other circumstances the family's could not find suitable accommodation due to the number of family members. The family moved to north Queensland where family and friends help with accommodating family in different homes. The family has now been approved a large rental property - Family needs assistance with white goods, furniture, bedding, clothing etc. If anyone have a PS4 or XBox to donate to the family's would be great as this family didn't have much but that the only present the chidden got for Christmas and now it was gone due to the flooding. Children would benefit by a bike each to get to and from school.


Parramatta Park QLD 4870

Big W voucher - $100

Shorts, Skirts, socks and shoes for school..

You are offering to fund what's needed:

6 needed
No more than 6 are needed to fill this request
$100.00 each

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South East QLD Severe Storms 2023 image

South East QLD Severe Storms 2023


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