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Need help?

GIVIT helps thousands of Australians in need every year by providing items, services and vouchers. GIVIT helps people impacted by natural disasters, domestic and family violence or homelessness, First Nations Australians, people living with disability or mental ill-health, and much more.


How to get help through GIVIT

To access donated items or services through GIVIT, please connect with a support organisation registered with GIVIT that can assess your needs and provide assistance. This organisation can then place a request on GIVIT on your behalf. Click here for more information on how to get support through GIVIT.

To find relevant organisations in your area, simply use the search fields below. Support organisations working with GIVIT that require anonymity will not be listed below.

In addition to the search function below, at the bottom of this page is a list of organisations and services that may be able to support you, depending on what you're experiencing. This includes disaster and emergency recovery support.

Organisations & charities

Are you an organisation in need of donations for people you support?

Register to use GIVIT

Find a registered organisation in your area






The Wirrpanda Foundation

The Wirrpanda Foundation aims to lead the provision of education and employment opportunities for Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Australians by working together to empower and build capacity amongst individuals, their families and their communities. The priority of the Foundation remains delivering programs that are designed and developed by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Programs which:
Increase the retention of Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander students in school,
Assist Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander jobseekers into further study or long-term, meaningful employment
Work to sustain employment opportunities through cross-cultural training
Provide support and mentoring to Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander young people in touch with the youth justice system
Provide employment services to assist in the reintegration of individuals back into the community after leaving prison
Improve the overall health of Aboriginal &Torres Strait Islander people

Lathlain WA 6100



The Women's Cottage

The Women’s Cottage is a community based crisis support and resource centre, run by women, for women (and their children) who live, work or study in the Hawkesbury region. We specialize in supporting women experiencing domestic violence, isolation, financial distress, parenting distress and other forms of emotional distress or trauma. Our services are for all women with and without children. We are an NGO

The Yoga Foundation

The Yoga Foundation’s mandate is to deliver evidence-based specialised yoga programs to create opportunities for people at risk to positively change their experience of life.

We provide program participants with a tool kit and skill set to manage their mental health and improve quality of life.

Cammeray NSW 2062


The Yoga Impact Charity

The Yoga Impact Charity provides evidence based trauma informed yoga programs that improve physical and psychological health. We partner with not-for-profit organisations, government and schools to provide yoga at no cost to groups of all ages healing from trauma including Refugees, Veterans and Families of The Australian Defence Force Personnel.

Mosman NSW 2088


The Youth Junction Inc

We work with and for vulnerable Victorian young people to support choices in education and employment, and the reduction of disadvantage. We identify and advocate around systemic blockages and work to support systemic literacy in young people through a range of collaborative, innovative and integrated service responses. This work includes our current activities but we acknowledge that the needs of this cohort are changing and evolving, and that we will need to evolve with them.

Theodore Primary School

We are a primary school that supports many families in a low SES area. Many families are experiencing financial difficulties and food insecurity.

Thinking Of You - From One Survivor to Another

Thinking of you provides relief and support against poverty, suffering, sickness and distress for people who have experienced sexual, domestic or family violence, and to enhance the welfare of sufferers of this violence.

We are a volunteer not-for-profit charity organisation who provides packages of clothing and toiletries which we distribute to hospitals for sexual assault and domestic violence victims of all ages and gender.

Various locations around Australia

T 0415430307



Thirrili Inc ACT National Indigenous Postvention Service

Thirrili Ltd is a not for profit organisation which aims to contribute to the broader social well-being of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people by: Reducing the high rates of suicide through the delivery of a critical response service to support individuals and families affected by a suicide or other traumatic incidents. Thirrili provides social support, practical assistance and advocacy support to affected individuals and families building the capacity of local communities and service providers to care for and respond to social disadvantage, including suicides and traumatic incidents in their community, strengthening individual, family and community resilience and social well-being, and contribute to addressing the social disadvantage needs of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and communities.

Woden ACT 2606


Thirrili Inc NT National Indigenous Postvention Service

Thirrili Ltd is a not for profit organisation which aims to contribute to the broader social well-being of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people by:

Reducing the high rates of suicide through the delivery of a critical response service to support individuals and families affected by a suicide or other traumatic incidents.

Thirrili provides social support, practical assistance and advocacy support to affected individuals and families
building the capacity of local communities and service providers to care for and respond to social disadvantage, including suicides and traumatic incidents in their community, strengthening individual, family and community resilience and social well-being, and contribute to addressing the social disadvantage needs of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and communities.

Thirrili Inc SA National Indigenous Postvention Service

Thirrili Ltd is a not for profit organisation which aims to contribute to the broader social well-being of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people by: Reducing the high rates of suicide through the delivery of a critical response service to support individuals and families affected by a suicide or other traumatic incidents. Thirrili provides social support, practical assistance and advocacy support to affected individuals and families building the capacity of local communities and service providers to care for and respond to social disadvantage, including suicides and traumatic incidents in their community, strengthening individual, family and community resilience and social well-being, and contribute to addressing the social disadvantage needs of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and communities.

This Is My Brave Australia Inc.

This Is My Brave Australia Inc. (TIMBA) believes that all mental health service consumers and carers should have access to services in an environment free of stigma and discrimination.

Our activities are based around changing the public perception of mental illness and building capacity and capability of those with living experience of mental illness.

Ngunnawal ACT 2913


Thomastown West Primary School

Primary School with 320 students

Various locations around Australia

T 03 9465 4317


Thread Together

Diverts brand-new clothing apparel and footwear from landfill and provides provides this to vulnerable Australians via a network of charities and social service agencies

Three Big Rivers Ltd

Three Big Rivers Ltd provides capacity and capabilities across the North Queensland region. We deliver in First Australians beneficial pathways to job opportunities and First Australians business economic outcomes.

The provision of self-generated revenue, realistic job opportunities, provide and individual community independence. This confidence and community development of the pools of role models in the community will provide a range of positive pathways for the youth and unemployed.

Three Big River Ltd will have training and employment opportunities within general operations. Development of employment and contract opportunities within operations. Three Big Rivers Ltd provide continuous project and capacity support to the environmental, tourism, health, community, culture, social, economic sectors. We have maintained 100% first nation employment out comes with 76% indigenous economic spend with within all of our projects.

Various locations around Australia

T 0487573000



Thrive Services

Thrive Services is a not-for-profit community organisation that supports children, families & others living in the Lithgow and Blue Mountains areas. At Thrive we believe in celebrating people’s achievements and strengths. We support families in times of change and transitions, helping when a new baby arrives, providing parenting and family support and practical assistance with bills and food.

Tibooburra Outback Public School

K-6 remote school in the North-West Corner of NSW.

Timor Primary School

A small rural school with low socio-economic families - educating 45 students

Tinternvale Primary School

Primary School

Ringwood East VIC 3135


TOMNET Inc Toowoomba

TOMNET provides older men with opportunities for mateship, the chance to re-connect with the community, and cope positively with life after loss. TOMNET is a non-religious and non-party political organisation, and all men are considered equal.

Our aim is to reach out to older men who are lonely, isolated, and in need of friendship. Men over 50 years of age are welcome to get involved with TOMNET.

Toolangi Primary School

Primary School

Toolangi VIC 3777


Toomelah Local Aboriginal Land Council

Provide services to the local aboriginal communities of Toomelah and Boggabilla in NSW.

Services include local government and community engagement to multiple service providers for these communities as a whole.

We are a non for profit organisation funded by NSWALC to administer aboriginal land rights services to the community.

Toora Women Inc. - Alcohol and Other Drugs (AOD) Day Program

The AOD Day Program is an evidence-based health treatment program for women to help them learn the skills they need to live a full and meaningful life free from alcohol and other drugs. It is an eight-week group program, running three days a week at the premises of Toora AOD Services in Civic ACT.

Canberra ACT 2600


Toorloo Arm Primary School

Our philosophy is that children succeed at school when teachers and parents work in a mutually supportive and cooperative environment. We also believe that open and honest communication is essential to building successful relationships between school and family. Consequently, our teachers are committed to developing links with all parents so that children are supported at school and at home. The school is the focus of the local community and actively involves all members of the school and wider community in its activities.

Lake Tyers VIC 3887


Tottenham Welfare Council Inc.

The principal objects of The Association are:
The provision of low cost self-care accommodation for elderly people in the Tottenham/Albert district, in particular elderly people who are socially isolated, experiencing poverty, living with a disability or some other form of disadvantage.
Assisting people in the Tottenham and Albert district who are experiencing social or financial disadvantage or other distress, by: a. Surveying the needs of the local community;
b. Making representations to statutory authorities and other organisations on behalf of the community; and
c. Forming partnerships with various statutory authorities and other organisations to deliver solutions to local problems.
To organise, provide and promote exhibitions, meetings, and workshops to the local community, including but not limited to workshops on mental health issues and coping with drought.

Toukley Neighbourhood Centre

The Toukley Neighbourhood Centre vision is to become the "heart" of the Community, providing early intervention strategies for the disadvantaged and vulnerable, so that all people are empowered to meet their needs and achieve their full potential.

Toukley NSW 2263

T 0243961555



Frequently asked questions

Dedicated support services

In addition to the search function above that allows you to identify relevant organisations near you, listed below are a range of organisations, services and government resources that may be able to help you.

Some of these organisations may not be registered with GIVIT. We’ve compiled the list below to ensure you get relevant and tailored support for your situation, regardless of whether that includes donated items and services through GIVIT.

You can use the search function above to check if an organisation listed below is registered with GIVIT.

If your life is in danger, call Triple Zero 000 for emergency assistance.


Disaster and emergency recovery

If a natural disaster or emergency event has impacted you, please visit your state or territory government’s disaster support page to see what assistance is available, including disaster payments, grants and financial aid.

Queensland Government

Victoria Government

New South Wales Government

Western Australia Government

South Australia Government

Northern Territory Government

Tasmania Government

Australian Capital Territory Government

You can also access information via national resources - National Emergency Management Authority and Services Australia.


Domestic and family violence

If your life is in danger, call Triple Zero 000 for emergency assistance.

If you have experienced or are at risk of family and domestic violence and/or sexual assault, contact the National Sexual Assault, Family & Domestic Violence Counselling Line on 1800 RESPECT (1800 737 732). 1800 RESPECT is also contactable via text, online chat or video call and is available 24 hours.


Financial hardship

The National Debt Helpine provides free, independent and confidential financial counselling via phone or live chat, Monday to Friday. You can call them on 1800 007 007.

Mob Strong Debt Helpline is a free advice service about money matters for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. They can be contacted on 1800 808 488, Monday to Friday.



If you’re experiencing or at risk of homelessness, you can find homeless shelters near you by searching on the Ask Izzy website.

Your state or territory government can also help. Listed below are the options by state or territory.

Australian Capital Territory

New South Wales

Northern Territory


South Australia



Western Australia


Mental health, depression or anxiety

If you or someone else’s life is in danger, call Triple Zero 000.

You can access 24/7 crisis support by calling Lifeline on 13 11 14. You can also contact Lifeline via text or online chat.

You can talk to a counsellor 24/7 through Beyond Blue. You can also access brief counselling with Beyond Blue via online chat.

If you’re a young person aged 12-25, you can talk to a trained clinician, you can contact Headspace 7 days a week between 9am and 1pm by calling 1800 650 890 or via online chat.


First Nations Australians

If you’re a First Nations Australian and you are going through a tough time, you can call 13YARN (13 92 76) to talk with an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander crisis supporter.


Children or young people experiencing hardship

Children and young people aged 5 – 25 can access support through Kids Helpline by calling 1800 55 1800 or through online chat 24/7.


People living with disability

The Disability Gateway is an Australian Government service to help people with disability, their family, friends and carers find the support they need. They can be contacted on 1800 643 787, Monday to Friday.


Refugees and asylum seekers

If you’re a refugee or asylum seeker and you need help, you can contact the Asylum Seeker Resource Centre on 03 9326 6066 Monday to Friday for support.


People struggling with addiction

The National Alcohol and Other Drug Hotline is a 24/7 service that provides free and confidential advice about alcohol and other drugs. You can call them on 1800 250 015.

Alternatively, Alcohol & Drug Counselling Online offers 24/7 online chat counselling.

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