Leave a gift in your Will
Thank you for considering leaving a gift to GIVIT in your Will.
Leaving a gift in your Will is one of the most valuable and lasting ways you can support GIVIT to match generosity with genuine need.
There are several ways you can remember GIVIT in your Will
1. Share of your estate
Also known as a residuary gift, the residue of your estate is what remains of the estate once all your loved ones and charges have been paid. A residuary gift could be a percentage, or the whole of the residue of your estate.
2. Fixed sum of money
Also known as a pecuniary gift. This is when you leave an exact sum of money to GIVIT
3. A specific gift
You may wish to leave us an item, known as a specific bequest, which can be sold to support our work. It could be property or an item of value such as real estate, art or a piece of jewellery.
Write your Will for free with Gathered Here
We’ve partnered with Gathered Here, a free and easy step-by-step online Will writing service.
It can take less than 10 minutes to have an incredible impact on people's lives by supporting us to continue to match your generosity with genuine need.
Your Will is an important document
If you are not able to complete your Will online, we recommend using a solicitor to make sure your Will is legal and valid.
If you are kind enough to be including a gift to GIVIT in your Will, please include the wording below.
“I give to GIVIT Listed Ltd (ABN 21 137 408 201), for its general purposes, free of all duties ___% of my residuary estate for which an authorised receipt from GIVIT Listed Ltd will be a sufficient discharge for the executor or trustee.”
“I give to GIVIT Listed Ltd (ABN 21 137 408 201), for its general purposes, free of all duties the residue of my estate for which an authorised receipt from GIVIT Listed Ltd will be a sufficient discharge for the executor or trustee.”
“I give to GIVIT Listed Ltd (ABN 21 137 408 201), for its general purposes, free of all duties the sum of $___ for which an authorised receipt from GIVIT Listed Ltd will be a sufficient discharge for the executor or trustee.”
Contact us for more information on leaving a bequest or gift in your Will
If you'd like further information on leaving a bequests or gift in your will to GIVIT LISTED LTD, please email us or fill out out a form below.